Done with Self Doubt

You know that voice in your head... the one that tells you you’re not good enough? I’ve listened to that voice my whole life. It’s told me I’m not athletic enough, smart enough, thin enough, busy enough, pretty enough, funny enough, successful enough, friendly enough.

I turned 33 this week, and I’m done with self-doubt. I’m done treating myself like I’m never enough. Because deep down, I know it’s not true. And if you’ve felt this way about yourself, I’m here to remind you: you are enough.

You are enough to wear that swimsuit you’ve been eyeing. You are enough to have a successful career or start your own business. You are enough to be a good wife, a good friend, and a good mom. You are enough to try that workout class you’ve been scared of, or talk to that other mom at the playground you’ve been too nervous to meet.

Realizing my self-worth doesn’t always come easy for me, so here’s my summer anthem, every time I look in the mirror:

I am enough. I am worthy of living life to the fullest no matter what I look like. My weight does not equal my health, success, and happiness. I am not defined by what my belly looks like.