Sometimes I wonder if my child would have been better off if i was less selfish and gave her up for adoption , I just couldn’t. 

Ashley Dorough Comments

I was sexually assaulted my first ever college party. I was laying down on a bed dizzy. And the guy help my head up while he thrusted into my mouth. It was the worst thing... until he told his friend to go get some. The fact they bonded over the opportunity will forever make me sick.

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Honestly, I struggle with the jealousy I feel when I see people in healthy relationships.

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I’m a grown professional woman with a career in the medical field. But I enjoy the empowerment of posting sexy photos of myself.

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I cheated on my husband a few years ago. It was just once, and me and my husband and I are still together. But it gave me what I needed to demand more.

Ashley Dorough Comments

My long term boyfriend has no idea I have over $30k in credit cards debt.

Ashley DoroughComment

I catfished the first man I fell in love with. It was the worst thing I’ve ever done. When it came to light it killed me seeing how much I hurt him, but k chose to be accountable and do what I could to support him Moving forward beyond me. My Goal was frindship if i could convince him. And I couldn’t, I hurt him too much. For a bunch of years of years I spent missing him, beating myself up, and just still Loving him. We both grew and went through things in those years. Fast forward, I’m typing this in our bed, waiting for him To come home with French onion dip because that’s what our daughter is craving, and lotion for my belly. Our child is due next month and I’ve never been more certain God has a plan for everything. Your mistakes may be your blessings .

Ashley DoroughComment

Found out when i was 2 months pp that my husband had cheated on my while i was pregnant. I kicked him out. I'm now 6 months pp and he's in counseling and doing sexaholics anonymous. We're working through it. I feel strong but worry that other people will view me as weak

Ashley Dorough Comment

I reported a family member to CPS... the whole family keeps wondering “who would do that?!” Instead of the fact the kids are being removed due to what the investigation uncovered.

Ashley Dorough Comments

I've done fairly well for myself, dropping out of college and make great money, I own my own house/car, travel the world, but my mom phrases my older sister for 'getting clean' and yet, I've never once touched a drug in my life. My sister has spent time in prison and here I am with only a speeding ticket to my name. While I commend my sister to cleaning her life up, my mom still wants to compare us to each other. I also haven't spoken to my sister in 10 years and my mom tells me I should reach out. I hate when my mom compares us and also suggests I reach out to my sister.

Ashley DoroughComment

Body image issues are holding me back from enjoying my life, children and husband. Watching my body go thru so many changes during and after my first 2 pregnancy’s with all the stretchmarks on breasts, inner/outer arms, thighs, belly and waist making it difficult to find joy and happiness while being pregnant with our 3rd and final child. I can scroll all day thru Instagram and find the beauty in looking at other women’s pictures of them accepting there “flaws” but I can’t seem to find the beauty in mine. And I definitely don’t feel comfortable with my husband seeing me. I just want to feel okay again.

Ashley Dorough Comment

I took my old co-worker out for drinks and we both confessed we liked each other and made out like crazy. His break up was bad and lots of drama he's still involved in and I just don't want to be his re-bound girl so I'm distancing myself from him... so much so that I slept with my ex the other day and now I feel guilty because I want the old co worker and the ex caught me in a weak moment.

Ashley DoroughComment

I've had a friends with benefit for about 4 years and I JUST found out he's married and his wife lives out of state and they probably only see each other once or twice a month. Our FWB has kinda turned into more, but without there a conversation about it. I honestly didn't know he was married - he says it's just a business agreement between him and his wife (don't they all say that?) I know I should walk away but we have 4 years together... like, he's been to my family gatherings and I've been to some of his work things. #Confused

Ashley Dorough Comment

I don’t actually know if my husband is my child’s father. But I’m too scared to find out. I so desperately need him to be. For our son.

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