I think what I hate more than my body changes is what people seem to say about it. All of a sudden I had all kinds of rules about how I could be a woman of size and and stop hot. Like I couldn’t possibly be fat and sexy at the same

Ashley Dorough Comment

Sometimes with the little resources we have I wonder how much I can focus on myself ... I may need something but it just doesn’t feel right to spend on me

Ashley DoroughComment

My husband said no to a second child years ago-even though I desperately wanted another-and now I'm 42 and the time when it would have still been ok for me has passed. I always had a really irregular cycle so after my daughter was born I didn't want to go back on birth control. My husband refuses to consider a vasectomy and now I think what I've been experiencing these past several weeks is a miscarriage. I don't think he believes me. We don't have a bad marriage, but there are times when he's just totally emotionally unavailable. I've decided that I'm going to look into sterilization surgery for myself and I'm just feeling very sad.

Ashley Dorough Comments

I am seriously depressed, 37 and never had a child, medically I impossible I will ever get pregnant and if I did it would be extremely high risk. And as 38 is approaching it is really hitting me and taking an emotional and physical toll. I want to cry everyday.

Ashley Dorough Comments

I am 25 and never been in a relationship. I’ve lied to people and made up suitors because I am so embarrassed, but I just haven’t found anyone. I’ve only had one crush ever and it didn’t work out cause he said he didn’t want a relationship. It makes me feel broken

Ashley Dorough Comments

I am so lucky to have a great group of friends and a supportive family who I love. But I don’t miss spending time with them while in lockdown. At all.

Ashley Dorough Comment

I married my BF of 5 years, but regret it. I would have been perfectly happy living separately and being together. Does that make sense?

I have a 3rd and 4th grader and am also a college student. I quit my job and moved back home to be able to finish school faster. This pandemic and distance learning has been hard with my need to have control of at least one thing in my life.
I thought we’d finally gotten a great system down and then two days ago I found out that my 3rd grader had been lying to me about doing all of his assignments. His teacher uses 9 different websites and with two kids it’s hard to keep track of every single thing. Yesterday the kids went to visit their dad and I got a text from his wife, pointing out all the missing assignments. I felt embarrassed and like a horrible mother. How could I miss this?!
Not feeling my best this week.

Best quarantine purchase was a Satisfier Pro 2 clitoral stimulator. (Key word: SUCTION!) It's taking our sex life to the next level! This toy is so good I finished 3 times in a row during the first use, & in less time than it normally takes me to finish once. GET ONE!

I’m madly in love with my bf and want nothing more than to move in together. He wants to pay for everything (rent, food, bills) but can’t afford it. I don’t mind splitting everything 50/50 but he doesn’t feel comfortable with that. He thinks I should leave him for someone “better” who can “take care of me” even though all I want is to be with him.

I’ve been having an affair with a married ex for about 15 years and we’ve been forced to basically stop communicating during the quarantine because he and his wife are both working from home. I feel like an idiot but I’m taking it pretty hard because it’s like a breakup from a long term relationship that I can’t tell anyone about.

I’m in a relationship but I’m in love with this other guy I’ve only been talking to for a few weeks. 😩

I just became a mom 2.5 weeks ago. I love her SO much, but I can’t wait to go back to work. I don’t know if it’s this pandemic or what, but we are LONELY.

I’ve been sad and unmotivated while working at home / in general. I feel extremely guilty bc I don’t have kids to take care of and am ok financially, so I shouldn’t feel this way.

Boyfriend told me it was ok to sleep with other guys in our relationship. Don’t know if I should be appalled, suspicious, offended, or genuinely excited to get it on for once.

It kills me inside to hear about other people pregnancy’s since I recently had a miscarriage. I heard someone announce their pregnancy and they had the same due date I would have had and I just started bawling. Every time I think I’m over it those feelings of anger come back when someone else announces their pregnancy. I don’t know if I will ever get over it.

I didn’t have that “instant connection” with my baby. It took a month to form a bond.

Despite being happily married, I have started an inappropriate relationship with my 61 year old co-worker (I'm 38). Nothing physical has happened, but we both have desires and have expressed those to each other. Being quarantined away from him has only made the longing stronger.