t r i g g e r s ⚡️

t r i g g e r s ⚡️ for anyone in recovery, it’s a real thing. And it’s likely going to always happen, no matter how healed from your trauma you are, or how recovered you are.

They won’t always have the same impact, or come with the same severity. And as you continue to work through them, it DOES gets better.

One of my major triggers is when I’m going to order food from a restaurant, if they have a specific “healthy menu” — yesterday when I went to order from Chipotle, and I got that cringey feeling when I saw the words “lifestyle menu” ..... it suddenly brought me back to my obsessive dieting days when I would restrict everything. How ashamed I’d feel to order anything from the regular menu.

First reaction for me is anger, then second reaction is to step back and remember that not everyone has the same relationship with food that I do. And the next time I’m triggered by special diet sections in restaurant menus, I’ll remember that I haven’t done anything wrong.

That being said, can we like... just enjoy food? If I don’t choose something from the “healthy” menu am I making a bad choice? Or am I making the healthy choice to nourish myself? And who’s to say anyone’s food choices are bad? @chipotle doesn’t know my life... or yours... just sayin. What are your thoughts?? Am I the only one who experiences these feelings sometimes?

To clarify, I am a huge @chipotle fan. Just don’t wanna feel ashamed when I don’t order off of the lifestyle menu.