Overcoming Body Discomfort

This might make you uncomfortable to see, and if so... I want you to lean into that and think about why. If I had 6 pack abs would you also feel uncomfortable? This is an angle I’ve always avoided looking at in the mirror, even 100 lbs ago. But today I did it. Back then, I was ashamed of my stomach and suffered from several disordered eating behaviors, excessive exercise, orthorexia and body dysmorphia. What I saw when I looked in the mirror was never ever good enough. Never thin enough. Never strong enough.
Thankfully a really busy career and a husband who NEVER commented on my body size kept me from going down an even more destructive road.
But today, when I finally looked.. I was okay. And although it’s so incredibly different than what we’ve been taught is beautiful, I felt compassion and love for this skin and this belly and yes, even the overhang. 🤘🏼Does it get in the way sometimes? Sure, bending over isn’t my favorite activity. But man, it feels so good not to hate myself anymore.
👉🏼Body and fat acceptance are important for some like like me. For 20+ years I believed that since I saw no bigger bodies in the media, that all I had going for me was maybe a pretty face. I. Believed. That. 🤦🏼‍♀️
(This is one big reason why REPRESENTATION matters by the way, not just with size)
👉🏼Body and fat acceptance is also a huge step for me to heal from chronic dieting and excessive exercise so that I can approach feeding myself and joyful movement from a PLACE OF PEACE instead of trauma.
So right now, I’ve had to hit pause from anything nutrition or exercise related. Right now, I have to be okay with gaining a few pounds as I heal. I have to be okay with being a little weaker, because as much as I miss exercising... I know I’m not ready for it yet.
This is my journey to intuitive eating and movement. Everyone’s journey is going to be different, but really we need to be cheering each other on. 🖤 so thankful for @stephdodier who’s helped me tremendously.