Small Steps Towards Body Acceptance

The comments on my last post are mind blowing... so I just wanted to quickly follow up with a few things that we can start doing now that are small but I’m convinced they can have a huge impact:
1. Stop 👏🏻 commenting 👏🏻 on 👏🏻 other 👏🏻 people’s 👏🏻 bodies 👏🏻 You have no idea what that person has gone through, or is going through... no matter what size they are.
2. We have to quit buying in to the fact that the word FAT is bad, and that being FAT means you are incapable or unhealthy or any less of a human being. The diet industry wants you to think this.
3. We have to stop teaching our kids that smaller bodies = healthier, more athletic, and more beautiful.
4. There needs to be serious action taken when it comes to BMI and the BS of it all. The only thing we can do right now is acknowledge that it isn’t an accurate depiction of health, but I’m hoping in the future for more initiatives to remove it completely as any sort of measurement for one’s health.
5. Ask your kids what’s going on in their school. Talk to them about their bodies and how strong they are. Never mention weight loss or diets. And make sure they know that how they look does not make them beautiful or smart or successful - it’s what’s on the inside. If they have gym classes doing these weigh ins or other similar things... speak up.