House of Dorough

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This post was paid for by Walmart, a store I regularly shop in. Thank you for supporting House of Dorough by reading this post!

Real talk: I struggle when I hear people say that breastfeeding is scientifically the best. Maybe it’s true, but it still hurts to hear sometimes. I wasn’t even given the chance with Emmie (she was tube fed for medical reasons), and with Pj... I was only able to for about a month. I have friends who have breastfed exclusively and I think it’s absolutely amazing that they’re able to do that.

But I’m also SO thankful for alternative options and bottle feeding. We’ve been using these Como Tomo bottles ever since we transitioned to the bottle and PJ responded so well to them because they are breast-like. She had sensitivities and Alimentum was a game changer for her and her reflux.

I’m kind of tired of seeing women and friends of mine shame themselves because they weren’t able to breastfeed, so if you’re reading this and you feel any ounce of guilt about bottle feeding: don’t. And you don’t owe anyone your reasons.

Since posting this on Instagram, I have had a TON of mamas reach out to me and tell me how guilty they have felt for years for not being able to breastfeed. I just want you to know, that if you’re not able to breastfeed or quite frankly, if you don’t want to… it’s OKAY. You’re not alone. There are SO many reasons that one might choose the bottle route, including the mental health of the mother and that is of the utmost importance, in my opinion.

Breastfeeding is emotional, amazing, and beautiful. But so is being able to nourish your baby, no matter what how you choose (or choose not) to do so. I’m just so thankful that we found a formula + bottles that worked for her, and are able to get them for a great price at Walmart.

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