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CHD Awareness // #thesisterhoodchat

Welcome to #thesisterhoodchat! This is a weekly chat loop hosted by @thegarciadiaries and @katiemcrenshaw. To participate, simply follow the ladies in the group and interact on the themed conversation of the week. This week, our topic is: Being a mother to a child with a diagnosed medical condition.
Our story 👉🏼 I had a normal pregnancy and a great delivery with our oldest daughter, Emaline. But when they put her on my chest I immediately knew something was wrong. Two days later, she was transferred to @childrensatl where we learned that she has Shones Complex, a rare congenital heart disease consisting of several heart defects in the left side of her heart. At 2 weeks old she had surgery on her aorta and we spent the first month of her life in the hospital. In addition to her heart problems, she contracted MSSA in her bloodstream and it spread to her spinal fluid while at the hospital. She also couldn’t drink thin liquids without aspirating. Because of these things, we took her home on a PICC line and a feeding tube.
That first 6 months of motherhood was SO hard. I am pretty sure I blacked it all out because I was in survival mode.
Emmie just had her 3rd birthday and is doing great. She’s a proud big sister to a heart healthy baby girl. She will most likely have more procedures in the future but we continue to be thankful for no hospitalizations or surgeries in the past 3 years. I know my husband would agree... E is a special girl with a special heart and she continues to grow and thrive with her fighting spirit.
February is #chdawareness month ❤️
👉🏼Head to @tanismitchell next to read about her journey having a child with a multivisceral organ transplant.